Book Fiftyfour: The Charming Quirks of Others

The Charming Quirks of Others, Alexander McCall Smith

Sometimes it feels like Alexander McCall Smith has a window on my brain and knows exactly what I want from a book. He pours on the quaintness, sweetness, thoughtfulness, tiny human interactions, and a swig of Scottish goodness. For me this is a comfort series, but one that doesn't make me feel all icky and violated and, inevitably, feeling guilty, like a certain someone does. This is the perfect book for a long bath, a rainy day, a cup of tea, and some shortbread. Its philosophical meanderings are just right and don't go into overboard territory. And it's surprising how well-written this series is for a man who is so insanely prolific. It is also saying something that this is the only series I will buy in hardcover.


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