Book Four: Treasure Island

Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson

I can't remember the last time a read a book this freaking good! It's got it all, and I ate it up, holus bolus! You know, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, shiver my timbers, buried treasure, Long John Silver and his one leg, and the parrot, Captain Flint, shrieking "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" Scary! Oh, and the best hero and narrator ever: young Jim Hawkins, who made me want to be a little boy who finds himself on the Hispaniola... even in the apple barrel listening in on that fateful conversation with Long John Silver!

And I'm going to keep plugging these Puffin Classics editions because I think they are beyond adorable. I know they're meant for little kids but I absolutely love them. They're wider than mass-market paperbacks, but still small enough to be portable. And they've got some really nice author bios in the back, along with activities and a glossary and more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the best books ever! I checked this out from my school library in 4th or 5th grade...and loved it so much I ended up re-reading a couple of times. Gosh, I actually held on to that book for the longest time and think I got repeated overdue notices for it, up until the last day of school. LOL!

February 8, 2009 at 8:33 AM  

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