Read-a-Thon Update: Hour Three

Read-a-Thon hour three

Currently reading: The Other Side of the Island

Pages read last hour: 42

Time spent reading this hour: 45 minutes

Consumed this hour: English muffin, tea

Reading location: Sofa

Pages read so far: 123

Total time spent reading: 139 minutes

Books completed so far: A Gate at the Stairs

Thoughtsicles: Still insanely sleepy and am drinking way too much decaf tea in hopes that it will trick me into feeling like I'm having caffeine. And, thus, I am peeing constantly, since my bladder is also now the size of a pea. But I adored A Gate at the Stairs and still count Lorrie Moore as one of my favorite authors. I thought I would move on to something less heavy so I chose this YA novel, but now I'm realizing this isn't necessarily light stuff, either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your reading! English muffin sounds yummy and I'm still sleepy too!

April 9, 2011 at 8:27 AM  

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