Book Forty: The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday

The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday, Alexander McCall Smith

This--the fifth installment in Alexander McCall Smith's Isabel Dalhousie series--is my favorite. I feel like he's finally found just the right feel and tone with these books. The first few installments tried to be mysteries, though that was quickly abandoned. And the most recent two are more centered around Isabel and her complicated relationship with Jamie and their baby, Charlie. I loved how this book gives you a better sense of Isabel's insecurities--her inner dialogues are so human and lovingly flawed. And, of course, all the tender descriptions of Edinburgh and Scottish culture are really what make this series so special. My desire to someday (someday!) visit Scotland is purely driven by my love for these books.

And, speaking of Alexander McCall Smith, everyone who is anyone should be listening to his new serialized novel, Corduroy Mansions, which is only available as a podcast from It's really delightful and silly and a wonderful way to spend 8 minutes of each day.


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